2020 Mom Congress Events
2020 Mom Congress EVENTS
In 2020 given the COVID Crisis, Mom Congress was reimagined into a series of virtual events referred to as Mom Congress 2.5.
Virtual Congressional Briefing
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Webinar link
Webinar slides link
Mathematica Policy Research article link
Mothers’ Preferences for COVID and Post-COVID Child Care Background and Policy Proposals article link
Motherhood on the Brink:
Virtual Congressional Briefing
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Senator Joni Ernst
Congressional Caucus
on Maternity Care
Pre-K Caucus
Mental Health Caucus
Myra Jones-Taylor is the Chief Policy Officer at ZERO TO THREE. She leads the development and implementation of ZERO TO THREE’s policy agenda, including federal and state priorities and strategies.
Laurie Todd-Smith, PhD, director of the Women’s Bureau. Dr. Laurie Todd-Smith of Mississippi was appointed by President Trump to lead the Women's Bureau in October 2019. She brings more than 25 years of experience in education and research to the Women's Bureau. She is the former Executive Director of the State Workforce Investment Board and State Early Childhood Advisory Council in Mississippi.
Linda Smith is the director of Bipartisan Policy Center’s Early Childhood Development Initiative. She most recently served as the deputy assistant secretary for early childhood development in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH is the Assad Meymandi Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also directs the UNC Center for Women’s Mood Disorders and leads the UNC SOM and UNC Health Well-Being initiative.
Blessing Adesiyan is the Founder & CEO of Villo, a startup tackling the burnout epidemic and caregiving crisis by offering a remote personal and household manager as a benefit to employees, and of Mother Honestly, a motherhood community and solution-driven platform that propels working women forward.
Katherine Goldstein the creator and host of Double Shift Productions, an independent journalism company. She’s an award-winning journalist who is an expert on working mothers. Katherine’s article in Huffington Post this summer, titled “The Mothers of American Need a Bailout: This Could be The Answer” has struck an urgent cord among mothers and policymakers.
June Member Only Town Hall
Saturday, June 13, 2020 – Webinar link
• Abigail Hawk, Keynote Address
• History of U.S. Black Maternal Health
• Motherly’s “United State of Motherhood”
May All-Community Town Hall
Saturday, May 16, 2020 – Webinar link
In this Mom Congress all-community Town Hall we discussed:
1. The Mom Congress “Momnibus” - our supported legislation package including a related letter-writing campaign launch in late summer.
2. The new online community platform for Mom Congress members.
3. An opportunity to get connected in-person this Fall at the MommasVoices summit in Texas.
We wrapped up with a Q&A session.
Saturday, May 16 | All-Community Town Hall Speakers
Mother’s Monday Panel: “Caregiving, COVID and Creativity”
Monday, May 11, 2020 – Webinar link
Join a diverse group of mothers who discussed how COVID has impacted creativity, caregiving, and careers.
Moderator: Gayatri Agnew
Jacqueline Green – Director of Opportunity Onramps-Returnship at Workday
Priya Amin – Co-Founder & CEO, Flexible
Mary Beth Ferrante – Co-Founder & CEO, WRK/360
Blessing Adesiyan – Founder & CEO, Mother Honestly