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2019 Congressional Briefing Invite

2019 Congressional Briefing Invite

YOU ARE INVITEDTUESDAY, MAY 7Join the moms and partner organizations of Mom Congress:  SAVING AND SUPPORTING MOMS  A lunch briefing and conversation with moms of Congress11:45am - 1:00pmSaving and Supporting Moms BriefingModerated by Christy Turlington Burns,  Every Mother CountsFeaturingSteven D’Achille, Father who lost his wife  to postpartum depression who explains  what it’s like to “be a mother”–––––Shanna Cox, the Associate Director for Science  in the Division of Reproductive Health, CDC–––––Lisa M. Hollier, MD, MPH, FACOGImmediate Past President and Interim EVP/CEOAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists1:15pm - 2:15pmWhat’s Worrying Moms  Survey UnveilingPresented by Beth Battaglino, RN-C,  CEO Healthy Women–––––Conversation with  Congressional MomsModerated by Katherine Goldstein,  Journalist, Double Shift