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In Late September, Maternal Health Bills Passed the House

Mom Congress

By The Mom Congress Policy Team


The House of Representatives passed two maternal health bills endorsed by Mom Congress.

On Sept. 21, the House passed H.R. 4995, the Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act of 2020. The bill would provide funding for maternal health care providers to receive implicit bias training, funding for pregnancy medical homes, and funding for other activities to address maternal health disparities

On Sept. 29, the House passed H.R. 4996, the Helping MOMS Act of 2019. The bill would allow states to extend Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage for postpartum moms up to one year after birth. Currently, this coverage ends at 60 days after birth in most states. At least a year of coverage post-birth would improve access to lifesaving care, and strengthen continuity of care to help improve maternal health outcomes. Urge the Senate to support this bill, by taking two minutes to message your senator here.