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Advocacy & Guidelines - Birthing Through The COVID Crisis

Mom Congress

By Crystal McAuley and Joy Burkhard, MBA

CDC issues 'Interim Considerations for Infection Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings'

The CDC has pointed out the need for a support partner to be present for all birthing moms. They also address removing a baby from a COVID-positive mother after birth and the need for the mother to be involved in that decision.

Read the full guidelines.

California Leaders Appeal to their Governor

This week, Mom Congress’ parent organization, 2020 Mom, along with nearly 25 co-signers (including several other Mom Congress member organizations) submitted a letter urging the Governor of California and the states Health and Human Services (HHS) agency to address the fears women face around birthing during the COVID-19 crisis.

Any Maternal-Child Health non-profit advocacy or academic institution in your state can use this template as a starting point to urge state leaders to address the needs of expecting women.