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The 2023 “Moms’ Agenda” is Released

Mom Congress



Mom Congress announces the bi-partisan legislation it is calling on Congress to pass; delegates will travel to DC next month to push Congress to prioritize support for mothers.

Washington, D.C. – August 24, 2023

Today, Mom Congress announced the bills included in its 2023 Moms’ Agenda - a series of bills to address the urgent challenges mothers face because of woefully inadequate infrastructure to support pregnancy, birth, and early parenting in the U.S. These priorities are even more important than ever post the overturn of Roe v. Wade which reduced a woman’s choice about whether to have a baby.

“If the government is “pro-life,” then it must be pro-mother. Supporting mothers and families with health and mental healthcare, paid family leave, child care, and child tax credits is pro-life,” said Joy Burkhard, Founder of Mom Congress.

The bills in the Moms’ Agenda are purposefully bi-partisan.

“It’s time for Congress to come together, not to deepen the political divide. America’s moms and families deserve bipartisanship,” said Dr. Ebony Wrenn, Director of Mom Congress.

In addition to advocating for paid parental leave and immediately addressing the childcare funding crisis resulting from the American Rescue Plan funding ending on September 30, 2023, the Moms’ Agenda includes the following pieces of legislation:

Maternal Health Care Access, Maternal Mortality Prevention

Midwives for MOMS Act
Healthy Moms and Babies Act
Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act
Mothers and Newborns Success Act

Stillbirth Prevention

SHINE for Autumn Act
Maternal Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act

Maternal Mental Health

Moms Matter Act

Child Care

Improving Child Care for Working Families Act of 2023
Expanding Child Care in Rural America Act of 2023

Learn more about the Moms’ Agenda:

The Mom Congress fly-in kicks off with the 5th annual Mom Congress “Saving and Supporting Moms” Congressional Briefing on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. View the event details here.

About Mom Congress

Mom Congress™ is a mothers’ membership organization that is addressing the most pressing policy issues of motherhood, including what we call the “motherload”– the stress that U.S. mothers carry at higher rates than other developed countries. Each year, passionate mothers convene to connect with influential change agents, be inspired, and learn how to drive change in legislative policy on Capitol Hill. Mom Congress is currently a project of the Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health, a leading maternal mental health organization, and will soon become an independent nonprofit organization. Learn more at