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Filtering by Tag: Roundtable

Saving Childcare

Samantha Konikoff

Mom Congress partner MomsRising hosted a virtual roundtable discussion on Friday addressing what is worrying moms throughout the US - childcare in the COVID-19 era.

Congressman Richard E. Neal (D-MA), opened the virtual gathering citing a timely PBS News Hour piece that aired the night before addressing the very issue at hand.

Neal, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, hosted the talk attended by Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-CT) - a working mother and former ‘Teacher of the Year’, Working Mom and Food Blogger Deb Perelman - who authored the recent New York Times Op Ed on parenting during the pandemic, and Moms Rising Members and working mothers Julie Gross of Michigan and Diana Limongi of a New York.

Mom Congress Members: read the full blog post here.

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