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Filtering by Tag: Coronavirus

This Week’s Federal Coronavirus Law – Does it Really CARE About Moms?

Joy Burkhard, MBA

We know it’s been a heavy week for even the toughest moms. Some of you still have the energy to follow federal policy and have asked how the most recent federal COVID law (the third bill so far addressing Coronavirus and a whopping 1000 pages) titled the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (S. 3548) impacts mothers and birth.

But first, to get your bearings, here is a recap of the other two COVID laws:

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#MomCongress2020 and the Coronavirus

Joy Burkhard, MBA

UPDATE MARCH 12, 2020 — As the U.S. response evolves around the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to let you know how we’re approaching the latest developments.

Though 80% of the population who gets sick will experience mild symptoms (fever/cough), the U.S. is taking extreme measures to ensure the health care system can handle those who need to be hospitalized due to respiratory distress. To prevent further spread, the CDC and other officials are now calling for upcoming events to be postponed or adjusted.

The mayor of DC last night declared a state of emergency (given 10+ confirmed cases).

With all this in mind, we are pivoting our strategy. Our team is working hard exploring virtual options to bring you together in meaningful ways in May.

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