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#MomCongress2020 and the Coronavirus

Joy Burkhard, MBA


By Joy Burkhard, MBA, Mom Congress

UPDATE MARCH 12, 2020 — As the U.S. response evolves around the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to let you know how we’re approaching the latest developments.

Though 80% of the population who gets sick will experience mild symptoms (fever/cough), the U.S. is taking extreme measures to ensure the health care system can handle those who need to be hospitalized due to respiratory distress. To prevent further spread, the CDC and other officials are now calling for upcoming events to be postponed or adjusted.

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The mayor of DC last night declared a state of emergency (given 10+ confirmed cases).

With all this in mind, we are pivoting our strategy. Our team is working hard exploring virtual options to bring you together in meaningful ways in May.

And, make no mistake that with the urgency, momentum, and recognition (that has taken years) of the maternal mortality crisis (including disparities among black and native populations) and the fact that so many families are suffering financially and mentally surrounding childbirth, we know we must RISE in 2020.
We will provide more information on our strategy by Wednesday, March 18, and to those of you who already registered for #MomCongress2020 - thank you and hang tight.

With so much gratitude for your deep passion for improving maternal health and support of early motherhood.



MARCH 5, 2020 — Like you, we are concerned about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and are actively monitoring the situation.

The health and safety of moms who plan to attend #MomCongress2020 is our first priority.

We also know that now more than ever, Congress needs to hear from moms. So to that end, #MomCongress2020 is currently scheduled to go ahead as planned on May 3-5 in DC. We are encouraging attendees to be vigilant about their own health and families’ health - much like they would be with the flu.

We are closely following public health authorities for guidance on how to prepare for and run the event in a manner that will protect the wellbeing of attendees.

Note, several airlines are offering “no change fee” tickets. If attendees book flights, they can change their plans without paying penalties.

Hotel rooms at The Wink (becoming Yours Truly) can be canceled up until 48 hours before 4pm on the check-in date.

If anything changes on our end, we will provide prompt updates on this post and will email all registrants and offer a full refund. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email